Frog Breeding
Frog breeding begins with you spotting tadpoles, froglets and
adult underwater (UW) frogs in other gardens.
adult underwater (UW) frogs in other gardens.
The key to understanding frog breeding in Fairyland is understanding a frog’s real life
breeding cycle. A frog starts its life as frogspawn from which tadpoles hatch. It then
develops into a froglet and finally an adult frog and the cycle begins again.
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Attracting Land Adult Frogs (see below for UW Adult Frogs)
Step 1
In order to start frog breeding, you will need to attract land frogs to your garden. This can only be done by first spotting tadpoles, froglets and UW adult frogs in other gardens.
1 tadpole + 1 froglet + 1 UW frog = 1 set
For every set (tadpole, froglet and UW frog) you spot in other gardens, you will be able to attract a land frog to your garden. The very first frog and every 5th frog thereafter, attracted to your garden, will drop frogspawn but only on an empty table. Once you have spotted your first frog set you can move to step 2.
How to see what you have spotted
Snapshot of what it would look like if nothing attracted or spotted.
Snapshot of what has been attracted to a garden
Snapshot of what a fairy has spotted in other gardens
As you can see, this garden has attracted 64 tadpoles, 64 froglets and 60 UW frogs. This GO can still attract 4 more frogs to their garden but until they attract more tadpoles, they will not be able to attract more than the 64 froglets already attracted or more than the 4 UW frogs.
In this backwall snapshot of the same garden you can see that this GO has spotted 57 tadpoles, 47 froglets and 37 UW frogs. This makes a total of 37 sets spotted. In the picture on the left (wildlife attracted) you can see that 37 land frogs have been attracted to the garden. Until more frogs have been spotted no more land frogs can be attracted to this garden.
Step 2
Put out an empty table. Either a low or high table can be used to catch the frogspawn that will be dropped by the 1st and every 5th frog thereafter. Then put out a high table of wild berries for the frog to feed on (frogs only come to high table). The type of wild berries you put out will determine the type of frogspawn that is laid by the frog. For example, if you put out double organic wild berries, you will get double organic frog spawn.
NOTE: If you are using the frogspawn for any of the bottom dwellers, you will need to use an empty LOW table.
Step 3
Plant an UW toadstool without dusting it to FG, so you are ready to attract the mermaid once the frogspawn has been laid by the 1st, 5th, 1oth, 15th … frog. Once the frogspawn has been laid dust up the UW toadstool to FG so that you are able to attract the mermaid who will transport your garden underwater. Once underwater, you can also plant supershroom to help deter mermaids, who eat everything, from your garden.
Now that you have frogspawn and are underwater, you have begun the frog breeding cycle in your garden.
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Attracting Underwater (UW) Adult Frogs
Step 1
Now that you have begun the frog breeding cycle, you can continue breeding frogs while underwater. Getting the frogspawn underwater is much the same as on land with every 1st, then every 5th UW frog attracted thereafter (5th, 10th, 15th etc) able to drop frogspawn when an empty table (either low or high) is waiting for it.
Step 2
Now you have frogspawn, you are able to attract tadpoles (you can never have too many tadpoles). Only tadpoles, the mermaid and bottom dwellers (when coloured corals are planted in your garden) will eat frogspawn. If you plant a supershroom this will help keep the mermaids from eating the spawn.
Step 3
For every tadpole you attract underwater, you will be able to attract a froglet to your underwater garden, which only feed off low tables of wild berries. The type of wild berries makes no difference.
Step 4
Once you have begun to attract the froglets to your garden, you will be able to attract adult UW frogs. For each froglet you attract underwater, you will be able to attract a frog to your underwater garden. Frogs only feed off high tables of wild berries. The type of wild berries makes no difference. Remember, every 5th frog will drop frogspawn, so make sure you have an empty table ready for it to be laid on.
Step 5
You can now start again from the beginning and repeat as many times as you need to.
Note: While it is tempting to continue attracting froglets until you have no more to attract, it can be beneficial to stop after every 4th froglet if you don’t need to attract a frog for frogspawn. This will make sure you don’t accidentally attract the frog that drops spawn when an empty table isn’t ready.
The following Pond Guides have also been created to assist you through other complicated challenges:
A Rainbow of Fish
A Rainbow of Fish and Bottom Dwellers Combined
Bottom Dwellers
Frog Breeding
Pond Mythological
Pondweed Combos