Wildlife Timing

Everything you need to know about timing of wildlife on different food types

Basic limits for all three types of food (Regular, Organic and Superfood) are shown in the table below. The timing is given in HH:MM format and indicates how long it will take for wildlife to arrive either from the moment the food is placed (for first feed) or after the previous critter has arrived (for any other feed). The earliest and latest possible visits are indicated by columns MIN and MAX. An average gap is given for mid-plate feedings as well. 

Please note that the timing for all types of food was recently changed and is currently going through a series of adjustments, so the numbers below might not be 100 % correct. If in doubt, we have left the interval wider, so nothing should visit outside the limits given below.

Food Type first feed MIN first feed MAX mid-plate MIN mid-plate average mid-plate MAX
REGULAR 1:33 3:35 1:00 3:30 6:00
ORGANIC 0:33 1:53 0:30 2:25 5:00
SUPERFOOD 0:03 1:10 0:05 1:12 2:45

Advanced tips for hunting and gardening

Ever wondered why the Unicorns are often so late?
Read on, because the table above does not tell the whole story!

​The principles behind the visible timing will be explained on SUPERFOOD to make things easier to understand – the gaps are shorter and all wildlife stays maximum time.

1) The food always behaves as if nothing is ever spotted

This means, no matter if you spot the critter one second after its arrival or 30 minutes later, nothing will happen for the whole time it would have stayed if it wasn’t spotted. If it is Mouse on Superfood, you need to wait 60 minutes after its arrival before you start watering again. Start earlier and you are wasting your sprinkles.

Note for gardeners: Not only you can not spot anything, but the game behaves as if the food isn’t there. The food will not get programmed for the next visit. If you need to replant mushroom or change your set-up, take your time, it doesn’t matter that you don’t have it now. The game is waiting until the time is up.

2) Everything is coordinated by the leaving time of any critter, not its arrival

After the previous wildlife “leaves” (see above), a period when next wildlife visits starts. For Superfood, it is approximately one hour and 40 minutes long.  During the first 40 minutes, the wildlife will be programmed, in the following 60 minutes it will leave the plate.

It works like this: 1 hour before the critter leaves the plate, the game decides what it is going to be. If the staying time of the critter is 60 minutes, it sends it to your garden without delay and it can be spotted now or within the next 60 minutes. If it stays 2 minutes you will be waiting further 58 minutes before the critter actually appears on the plate. (Note that both kinds of wildlife will LEAVE the plate at the exact same minute if not spotted.) This is the reason why short staying wildlife can be so late.

Don’t confuse short staying with rare – many players assume that rare wildlife is visiting late, but it is only valid if the rare wildlife is also short staying.


Say you are attracting Giraffe (max staying time 30 minutes), Rainbow Unicorn (max staying time 4 minutes) and you also get inevitable Mouse (max staying time 60 minutes). 
—> replace with any other wildlife of similar timing 

There are three possibilities:

1) Mouse just visited
0:00-1:00 hours (0-60 minutes) after its arrival: NOTHING HAPPENS
1:00-1:45 Mouse can arrive (2:00-2:45 Mouse is leaving)
1:30-2:15 Giraffe can arrive (2:00-2:45 Giraffe is leaving)
1:56-2:41 Rainbow Unicorn can arrive (2:00-2:45 Rainbow Unicorn is leaving) 
Note: See how the leaving interval stays the same. Also, this is the only case when the SF can reach its maximum!

2) Giraffe just visited
0:00-0:30 hours (0-30 minutes) after its arrival: NOTHING HAPPENS
0:30-1:15 Mouse can arrive (1:30-2:15 Mouse is leaving)
1:00-1:45 Giraffe can arrive (1:30-2:15 Giraffe is leaving)
1:26-2:11 Rainbow Unicorn can arrive (1:30-2:15 Rainbow Unicorn is leaving) 

3) Rainbow Unicorn just visited
0:00-0:04 hours (0-4 minutes) after its arrival: NOTHING HAPPENS
0:04-0:49 Mouse can arrive (1:04-1:49 Mouse is leaving)
0:34-1:19 Giraffe can arrive (1:04-1:49 Giraffe is leaving)
1:00-1:45 Rainbow Unicorn can arrive (1:04-1:49 Rainbow Unicorn is leaving) 

Notice that if the same wildlife is coming one after another (Mouse after Mouse, Unicorn after Unicorn), the gap will be always the same. This will apply to different wildlife with the same maximum staying time as well.

When hunting, you can reduce all the math into this simple rule: 
For Superfood, wildlife of the same staying time coming one after another always arrive between 1:00 and 1:45. Shorter staying wildlife after longer staying wildlife will come LATER, longer staying after shorter staying will come EARLIER.

Tip: The timing would suggest that an average gap for wildlife of the same staying time is 1:22 (half between 1:00 and 1:45). It is not true. To ensure that the Superfood is all eaten within 24 hours, the average gap is, in fact, only 1:12. Most of the wildlife of the same timing (90 %)  will come before the gap reaches 1:20. Only 1 % will come after 1:30.


 Everything is very similar, only the programming happens in much wider window – Superfood only has 45 minutes “open” for the programming in each gap, Organic has about 3 hours, Regular 4 hours. Everything is more random because wildlife can stay either minimum or maximum staying time or anything in between. Otherwise, the rules stand. You cannot expect anything to come for 55-60 minutes after an arrival of a Mouse. Shorter staying wildlife will visit later than longer staying.


Programming happens in the first 12 minutes. That’s when the longest staying wildlife will arrive as well. Everything has to leave between 1:00-1:12

Programming happens between 0:33 and 0:55. That’s when the longest staying wildlife will arrive as well. Everything has to leave between 1:33-1:55

Programming happens between 1:33 and 2:37. That’s when the longest staying wildlife will arrive as well. Everything has to leave between 2:33-3:37 

Happy hunting!